Why Use Custom-Made Camp Knives and How to Clean Them

Why Use Custom-Made Camp Knives and How to Clean Them

Oct 6 2022 - 2:10

Camping is one of the most therapeutic and relaxing experiences one can indulge in. This is for a slew of reasons, but just one of them is because you are surrounded by stunning nature and trees. Research shows that being outdoors amongst trees, flowers, and other shrubberies release high levels of oxygen, which can alleviate stress and anxiety.

Not only do people thrive because it relieves stress, but being around nature is simply enjoyable! It can wash your troubles away as you are reminded of “the bigger picture” while immersing yourself in stunning natural beauty.

Now that you’re imagining yourself in a tranquil wood, what would you do if suddenly a bear entered the picture? Or if you were suddenly completely lost and the Sun was setting while the air was turning crisper and colder?

We hope that you’d be prepared in any one of these scenarios. Camping, in a sense, can be dangerous. Encountering certain wildlife can of course be horrifying, but so can other issues that arise, like being lost and alone without assistance.

Therefore, when you go camping or are simply outdoors in general, you need to be sure that you have the right equipment for both everyday situations and the emergency ones. One such piece of equipment you’ll need is versatile camp knives, but not just any old camp knives: custom-made camp knives.

Why Custom-Made Camp Knives?

                 custom-made camp knives.

You could always get a knife or knives that are cookie-cutter and generic. They will do the trick for you, but simply not as well as when they’ve been custom-made.

When you choose a custom-made knife, especially a camp knife, instead, you will be investing in something that is built to last for generations to come. Custom-made camp knives have been designed and handcrafted by some of the most skilled artisans with years of experience.

These knives have extreme attention to detail and, therefore, have increased dependability, sturdiness, and even comfort. Knives like these are what you want by your side.

One issue with any knife, though, regardless of if it’s been crafted by skilled artisans or not, is its cleaning and care. They need to be specifically cared for, otherwise, they can deteriorate and/or develop specific and irreparable damage.

This type of damage can be breakage, rust, scratches, warping, and plenty of other less-than-pleasant issues. Let’s now take a look at some important tips for cleaning your custom-made camp knife so it can live longer and better.

Keep All Parts of the Knife Clean

Unfortunately, you cannot simply wash your knife in the sink with dish soap and a sponge like you would your kitchen knives. There are specific cleaning instructions you need to follow for the blade, handle, and even the sheath.

Cleaning the Blade

When cleaning the blade of your camp knife, you can wash it with a small amount of gentle detergent and warm water. We also recommend that you use a toothbrush to accomplish this because it will provide your blade with gentle and efficient cleaning. Once the blade appeared to be effectively washed, you can rinse, then dry it with a dry paper towel.

You can also use Renaissance wax to your advantage here. It can clean the blade extremely well because it can fight off rust, which is one issue you never want to deal with!

Cleaning the Handle and Sheath

As for the handle and sheath, you will need to clean them differently. You can simply wipe them clean with a damp cloth, then buff them both with a clean and dry cloth.

Another efficient way to clean both of these parts of your camp knife is with Renaissance wax. This wax is effective for cleaning the handle and sheath, too, because it can easily lift undesirable stains, not only rust. You only need to drop a small amount of it, rub it in evenly, and leave it!

Stay Away from Excessive Oil

Oil can be a detriment to your camp knife, but especially to your sheath. This is because it can linger on the sheath, which will then invite itself onto your knife’s blade. When that happens, it can not only weaken the sheath but then attract small particles that can scratch the blade!

Instead of using excessive oil, you should opt for wax. Wax remains slick so that unwanted tiny particles cannot injure your blade.

Now that you are undoubtedly looking for custom-made camp knives, be sure to browse our extensive and high-quality offerings. We have plenty of options for you to choose from in order to best prepare yourself for the great outdoors for decades to come. Give us a call at (866)-336-2834 so we can best help you find the best camp knife for you!