Bradford Knives Guardian3.5 Sheepsfoot
The Bradford Guardian3.5 Sheepsfoot is the newest addition to the Guardian Family. The Bradford Guardian3.5 fixed blade knife is an ideal everyday carry knife. With a 3.5 inch fixed blade knife and a full tang, the Guardian3.5 is a great tool that can be easily carried and concealed on your belt so you can use it throughout the day. Whether you're working in a warehouse, with wiring or cutting boxes, or you just need to open a bottle at home, the Guardian3.5 will do the job. Hunters will find this knife very capable at field dressing large game as well. It's a versatile knife that fits in most anywhere.
The knife comes standard with a horizontal leather sheath, plus a FREE kydex sheath!
The Guardian3.5 is a "top shelf" knife and is made to last for years if properly taken care of.