Every Day Carry Knives

Everyday Carry Knives

Knives are the perfect tools for carrying a wide variety of everyday tasks. This includes opening packages, cutting through rope or other cordage, and even slicing a piece of food. That is why every day carry or EDC Knives are so popular. When it comes to finding the perfect handmade EDC knife for you there are a lot of factors to consider. EDC knives can be folding knives or fixed blade knives. As long as your knife is easily accessible via a pocket clip or small sheath, it can be used throughout your day to help you accomplish tasks. 

We have curated a huge list of everyday carry knife options including tactical folding knives and sturdy fixed blade models. All of these knives have the reliable design and incredible edge retention that make a knife a great option for a wide range of cutting tasks. If you have any questions about any of these knives, feel free to reach out to one of our knife experts.

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