Complete JUNGLAS Sheath
Includes Kydex sheath and Cordura backing.
Complete JUNGLAS Sheath
Includes Kydex sheath and Cordura backing.
over $99
since 2008
This a a complete sheath system for the ESEE-5 knife. The sheath screws are made from stainless steel, and the "Adjustible Sheath Tensioner" system allows you to fine-tune your knife-in-sheath fit...
For ESEE 4 series knives. Includes: Kydex (Sheath ONLY)
This sheath by ESEE Knives is for the ESEE CM6. It is a heavy duty Black Kydex Sheath with slide lock.
This is the original ESEE Laser Strike Kydex Sheath. It is a heavy duty Kydex Sheath.
Pronounced "Hoonglas" Named After the Colombian Jungla Special Operations Forces, designed For Latin American Jungle And Counter-Narcotics Operations. This is a BIG knife for BIG tasks. The Junglas...
Introducing the versatile ESEE-3 kydex sheath | Ontario RAT-3 Kydex Sheath. After much thought and development, The Knife Connection has produced the best ESEE-3 / RAT-3 Kydex sheath, exclusively...